Game Claus Quest Hacked (Cheats)

Claus Quest Cheats / Hacked:
Keyhacks: Press S Toggle Hp - D Morgenstjerne - F Crappy Sword - E Markgrens Secret Axe - [Tab] Dark Daves Flail of Pain
Description info:
Category: Arcade | Plays: 933
This is my first attempt at a game, building off of Adv. Micro Platformer by @MBoffin and The Lich King by @dollarone. This game came about as a gift to a friend (Claus, obviously) for his birthday. Consider it a WIP, as bosses are unkillable and there is no way to actually win the game.
I would greatly appreciate any help on these matters:
--Bosses have no hitpoints. Current enemies have one HP. Bosses spawn but can't do damage or die (unless they fall down a pit). Would like to be able to set health for different bosses and maybe even for some of the enemies.
--Knockback when taking damage, both for bosses and the player.
--Token optimization.
--Projectiles. Would love if one or two of the bosses could throw projectiles or fireballs.
Thanks to Dollarone and MBoffin!
This is my first attempt at a game, building off of Adv. Micro Platformer by @MBoffin and The Lich King by @dollarone. This game came about as a gift to a friend (Claus, obviously) for his birthday. Consider it a WIP, as bosses are unkillable and there is no way to actually win the game.
I would greatly appreciate any help on these matters:
--Bosses have no hitpoints. Current enemies have one HP. Bosses spawn but can't do damage or die (unless they fall down a pit). Would like to be able to set health for different bosses and maybe even for some of the enemies.
--Knockback when taking damage, both for bosses and the player.
--Token optimization.
--Projectiles. Would love if one or two of the bosses could throw projectiles or fireballs.
Thanks to Dollarone and MBoffin!
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