Game Learn To Fly 2 Hacked (Cheats)

Learn To Fly 2 Cheats / Hacked:
1 - money, 2 - bonus, 3 - fuel, 4 - rockets
Description info:
Category: Arcade | Plays: 42 819
Learn to Fly Hacked is absorbing arcade game, which popular among players of different ages, sex and social position. Now this is a reality to fly! How? This game helps you to learn of flying. You are in the roll of penguin. Your task is run fast as possible and when the distance cuts off, you must come unstuck and fly for a long distance is possible. This game gives positive emotions for players and help to have a good relax.
How to play?
For ruling of this funny cheats you need only a keyboard and the computer mouse. Also you get necessary instructions at the beginning of the game, which help you to escape the mistakes.
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