Game Swords And Sandals 2 Hacked (Cheats)

Swords And Sandals 2 Cheats / Hacked:
1 for 888888 stamina and health, 2 to add money (note you’ll have to buy something in order for the hack to work), 3 to add 10 skill points and 4 to add a level
Description info:
Category: Arcade | Plays: 21 655
Sword and Sandals 2 Hacked is absorbing arcade game with interesting idea. This game is popular for players, who like fighting on the arena. The players must know how to make the fights and give about the panoplies, weapons and even magic! Such game is not simple, but it’s very interesting and gives you great amount of opportunities for developing ideas. You should know what need to do during fighting. Fans of this game are boys and young men of various ages and social position.
How to play?
The ruling of the cheats is not so difficult. You need use of only your computer mouse. And also you get some help for ruling at the beginning of the game.
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