Game Uphill Rush 6 Hacked (Cheats)


Uphill Rush 6 hacked
Uphill Rush 6 Cheats / Hacked:

Keyhacks: Press [1] - for Toggle Nitro [2] - for Toggle Lives [3] - To Win [4] - for Money

Description info:

Category: Racing | Plays: 24 034

Uphill Rush 6 is the sixth version of the fascinated racing game, which is vamous among different players and especially for children. You should do new and different unusual gimmicks in this game with the help of different kinds of auto. You may pay money and bonuses during the racing for the betterment of your transport. There are many new obstacles, which is attractive for the players. You may use different cars, auto bikes and also skateboard, snowboard, stick and even different animals. 
How to play?
You should control your transport with help the shunts on the keyboard, also you should use the backspace for the make the gimmicks.
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