Game Age of War 2 Hacked (Cheats)


Age of War 2 hacked
Age of War 2 Cheats / Hacked:

money, unlimited units, purchases/upgrades add XP, unit creation time, more XP from kills, instant specials

Description info:

Category: Strategy | Plays: 11 115

Age of War 2 Hacked is exciting strategy game. You can select the level of your opportunities in this game. The first task is to choose heroes of your army. All your soldiers have own possibilities and weapons. Your army should goes to opponent as "wall to wall” and your heroes must protect your territory and hollow. When army will be near the cavern of opponents, their power will be more forceful, but your army must be the best to win!
How to play?
The ruling of this cheats is managed by the computer mouse. You can choose the heroes, their instruments and motions. You get important prompts before starting the game and it helps to get off any mistakes and be a winner!
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