Game BUILDER BRAWL Hacked (Cheats)


BUILDER BRAWL Cheats / Hacked:

Unlimited health for all players from your team To use cheats, go to the pause screen or main menu screen and click OPTIONS. Then type in your code to turn cheats on/off. "ultimateweaponswhite" - White team will have unlimited weapons! "ultimateweaponsred" - Red team will have unlimited weapons! "crashtestdummy" - CPU team will not fight back! "rockhard" - Terrain can't be destroyed "bouncybuilder" - Builders can jump higher "kimjongil" - Missiles rain "angermanagement" - Double damage "acalmsummerday" - No wind "galeforce" - Extremely strong wind "grimreaper" - All players have 1 health only "healme" - 250 health for white team "healhim" - 250 health for red team

Description info:

Category: Strategy | Plays: 2 527

BUILDER BRAWL Hacked and with Cheats is a wonderful game with amazing adventures.
How to play?
Arrow Keys = Move WASD = Camera Up/Down = Aim Spacebar = Shoot/Attack Q = Weapons Menu E = Switch Builders P = Pause M = Mute 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 = Cycle through available weapons
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